Ok, this is a wild one, but stay with me. So grant us Wisdom, Nintendo! Give us the complete remastered Triforce! A Zelda Broadway Musical Power (Seasons), Courage (Ages) and Wisdom (the lost one). In the beginning, Capcom envisioned three games, each of them based on a piece of the Triforce. I am talking about the long lost third instalment in the often overlooked Oracle series. Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons are there, waiting for a remake… and a third game. The next logical step would be to extend it to other handheld titles. In addition, it added a dungeon creation feature, which I think didn’t quite hit the mark, but hey, you can ignore it if it’s not your thing. It keeps much of the original game intact, introducing a charming new aesthetic while making positive quality of life improvements. Link’s Awakening 2019 is a great example of a well executed remake.